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I turned 60 and I became a sexagenarian. The fact that this word is not very pleasant to me. The truth sounds horrible. When I hear that I'm a thousand years. Is not there another word to identify ourselves more beautiful? Well the change by sexigenaria, I think it sounds better, and we're still sexy no matter what age if in your mind and spirit just flows youth. Although physically there are changes in our body, life does not end, it just depends on our attitude.  

That year I began to write stories to my grandson which he enjoyed and continued working until age 62 and then decided to retire.  

There was I started ailments, hurt me and I think everything was mental, except the pain in my shoulder. I went to the orthopedist and a recommended therapies. There were ten and I started two days a week until I got bored of the same routine, so when I was two to finish, instead of therapy I went to give me a facial at the center where they have an area of ​​aesthetics. In my 62 years I never had the opportunity to do and felt so well that I thought was not so bad being sexigenaria.

After that day my mind remove the condition on the shoulder and the pain disappeared. That's the key, disconnect from all that can be painful and connect the soul, body and mind with the divine essence of the universe. The energy that you attract healing source exists and that you can not see, not only heals our body but also our sorrows. 

Before I ask bothered me age, I felt old and now that I have more years is when I feel younger. I do not care how old you may have, if discovered that age is just a number and my body is the house where I exist and live, so I have to take care of but I want that house age.  

Many times we deny ourselves and we are our own worst enemies, because we do not accept ourselves as we are. If we do not love ourselves, we expect from others. So I learned to love this women who lives in me with my strengths and weaknesses. I learned to forgive and admit when I'm wrong I'm not perfect. Now I feel more confident and I seek above all things to be happy.  

That's not to say there are no circumstances that affect my life, but I try every day to deal with what is present because that's what life is about. 

Thank God every day is the beginning to accept both the good and the not so good. Give thanks for every step you take in life becomes many blessings.  Start now and do not let a single step to depression.                                                                                                                                                    


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Sabrosa Receta de Bacalao

 Quimbombó con bacalao.     2 tazas de Quimbombó 1 taza de bacalao hervido(sin sal) 1 pimiento rojo 1 pimiento verde 1 cebolla pequeña Sal y pimienta 1 cda. Sofrito 1 cda. salsa tomate. Procedimiento: En una sartén con aceite saltear los pimientos y la cebolla cortados en pedazos pequeños.  Añadir el sofrito y los quimbombó previamente cortados en rueditas.  Mover y dejar sofreir por cinco minutos y agregar el bacalao. Añadir la salsa de tomate y sazonar con sal y pimienta y sofreir hasta que el vegetal esté tierno.  Lo puede acompañar con arroz o tostones.                        Planta de quimbombo. Todo comienza con esa hermosa flor.  Viste que maravillosa es la naturaleza. Este vegetal es rico en Vit. B6, ácido fólico, Vit. C y A.  Rica fuente de magnesio y sodio.  Reduce la presión arterial. Ayuda a estabilizar el azúcar en la sangre y a prevenir enfermedades cardíacas.  Contiene fibra soluble que disminuye el colesterol malo y fibra ins